What is a licensed surveyor?
The work of a surveyor is highly skilled. Licensed surveyors are qualifed and trained to survey and re-establish property
A licensed surveyor provides certainty about the location and extent of your land, and helps protect you from boundary disputes
and expensive litigation.
When you use a licensed surveyor, he/she will provide you with a sketch or plan of the land with a certifcate within 30 days of
completing the survey. This ‘reg25A’ certifcate is your legal protection.
It is against the law for anyone who is not a licensed surveyor, registered with the Land Surveyors Licensing Board of Western
Australia, to survey new boundaries or re-establish old ones.
A wall or even a house built in the wrong place – even if it’s only a few centimetres out, could have severe legal and fnancial
Be certain you are dealing with a licensed surveyor
In Western Australia licensed surveyors are regulated by the Licensed Surveyors Act 1909 which is administered by the Land
Surveyors Licensing Board.
The Board is responsible for examining and registering land surveyors, ensuring their standards meet the expectations of the
community and authorities, and for providing a fair, open and accessible process to deal with complaints.
To check if a surveyor is registered in Western Australia and holds a current practising certifcate go to www.lslb.wa.gov.au or
call 9273 7104.